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ExcelMapper is a Java utility class that facilitates the parsing and writing of Excel files (.xlsx). It is designed to parse Excel sheets into streams of entity class objects and provides methods for reading and writing DataTables to Excel files.


The ExcelMapper class is designed to simplify the process of reading and writing Excel files. It provides methods for parsing Excel sheets into streams of entity class objects and for creating DataTables from Excel sheets. Additionally, it offers functionality to write DataTables to specified sheets in Excel files.

Parsing Excel Files

Parsing Entity Class

Class<MyEntity> entityClass = MyEntity.class;
Stream<MyEntity> entityStream = ExcelMapper.parse(entityClass);

Parsing Sheets into DataTables

String filePath = "path/to/your/excel/file.xlsx";
Map<String, DataTable<String, String>> sheetData = ExcelMapper.parse(filePath);

Here is an example usage of reading an Excel sheet.

public class ReadExcelTest {
@DataFile(fileName = "TestData.xlsx", sheetName = "Yahoo")
static class TestData {
@Key(name = "First Name")
String firstName;
@Key(name = "Last Name")
String lastName;
@Key(name = "DOB", format = "MM-dd-yyyy")
LocalDate dob;
String location;


public void excelMapperTest() {
Stream<TestData> dataStream = ExcelMapper.parse(TestData.class);

In the above example, We have provided Excel file name and sheet name as input in @DataFile annotation.

As explained in the DataMapper section, the fileName attribute is optional - by default, ExcelMapper will look for a datafile name as the SnakeCase of the entity class name followed by xlsx as a suffix. The sheetName attribute is also optional. By default, the first sheet name in the Excel file is used.

To map fields, you can use @Key annotation.


ExcelMapper provides way to convert field values with custom converter.

To use custom converter, you should specify its class via @Key annotation.

@Key(name = "Tags", converter = ListOfStringConverter.class)
private List<String> data;

And the actual implementation may look like the following:

public class ListOfStringConverter extends DefaultConverter<List<String>> {
public List<String> convert(final String value) {
return asList(value.split(","));

Custom converters must extend DefaultConverter class. Also note that by default ExcelMapper uses an implicit conversion based on the field type. So you don't have to explicitly specify a converter if it's among the defaults.


Similar to converters, ExcelMapper allows you to substitute field value prior to parsing an Excel sheet

Consider, we have given Excel field values as ${DATE} in Excel file. On the fly, this field value will be converted to the current date and ensure the value assigned to the respective field.

This can be achieved with the help of @Interpolate annotation.

ExcelMapper allows you to use custom substitutor.

public class FakerDataSubstitutor extends DefaultSubstitutor {
public String replace(String strToReplace, final String format) {

return FakerUtils.substitute(strToReplace);
public class ReadExcelTest {
@Interpolate(substitutor = FakerDataSubstitutor.class)
@DataFile(fileName = "TestData.xlsx", sheetName = "Yahoo")
static class TestData {
@Key(name = "First Name")
String firstName;
@Key(name = "Last Name")
String lastName;
@Key(name = "DOB", format = "MM-dd-yyyy")
LocalDate dob;
String location;


public void interpolateExcelMapperTest() {
Stream<TestData> dataStream = ExcelMapper.parse(TestData.class);

Writing to Excel Files

public void excelWrite() {
DataTable<String, Object> input = DataTable.of(
new LinkedHashMap<>(Map.of("ID", 1, "Name", "John Doe", "Age", 30, "IsEmployed", false)),
new LinkedHashMap<>(Map.of("ID", 2, "Name", "Jane Smith", "Age", 40, "IsEmployed", false)),
new LinkedHashMap<>(Map.of("ID", 3, "Name", "Tom", "Age", 35, "IsEmployed", false)));

String filePath = Resources.ofTest("output.xlsx").toString();
String sheetName = "Sheet1";
ExcelMapper.write(input, filePath, sheetName);

In case of errors during file parsing or writing, a DataMapperException is thrown. This exception provides information about the failure, including the underlying cause.

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